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Apply for Nordic funding for efforts to improve conditions for LGBTI people

Foto: Masma/Unsplash

This autumn, the Nordic LGBTI Fund opens up for applications for funding for the fourth time. The purpose is to promote Nordic co-operation within the field and to improve conditions for LGBTI people in the region. The call is open between 2 September and 1 October 2024.

The work to improve the living conditions of LGBTI people is an important part of Nordic co-operation and of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision of becoming the world’s most sustainable and integrated region. Since 2020, the Nordic Council of Ministers has been co-operating to promote equal rights and opportunities for LGBTI people in the Nordic region. One part of this work is the Nordic LGBTI Fund, which is administrated by NIKK on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. This autumn, the Fund opens up for applications for the fourth year in a row. 

Who can apply for funding? 

Dialogue and co-operation are one of the cornerstones of Nordic collaboration. The Nordic LGBTI Fund provides the opportunity for this. The Fund finances projects where at least three different organisations, from at least three different Nordic countries, collaborate. The call is open to various activities and organisations, such as voluntary organisations, universities, authorities and companies. 

Projects that contribute to Nordic interests and work for equal rights and opportunities for LGBTI people in the Nordic countries can apply for financing from the Fund. A total of approx. 1,2 million DKK will be distributed. 

The activities should start in the beginning of 2025 and are to be carried out within two years. The funding can be used to develop common methods and new knowledge, and to hold conferences and build networks, etc. 

Updated 20 August 2024