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New Nordic report on pathways to equal pay for work of equal value

Today, women in the Nordic countries are among the most active labour market participants in the world, but the goal of equal conditions in the labour market is far from being achieved. The Nordic Council of Ministers has therefore commissioned the publication “Towards Pay Equity: Regulation, Reporting and Practice in the Nordic Region.”

This publication is the first in a series of reports from a project initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers to reduce the pay gap that still exists. The project is being carried out by Nordic Information on Gender, NIKK.

A story of much talk and little action

The publication describes legislation and policy initiatives in the Nordic countries, including a discussion about the implementation of the EU Pay Transparency Directive with focus on the issue of pay equity. The report also provides a brief overview of Nordic labour market models and highlights differences for possibilities to advance work towards equal pay for equal work and work of equal value. Special attention is paid to the interaction between legislation, collective wage agreements and requirements for reporting wage statistics related to the ISCO standard.

The publication is written by the lawyer Eberhard Stüber. He has worked as, among other things, an analyst at the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (JämO), and as a senior investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, both in Sweden.

The other two reports in the series will be published in winter 2024/2025.

More news on economic equality

Nordic knowledge base highlights economic vulnerability in different stages of life

Despite well-developed welfare systems in the Nordic countries, more Nordic citizens live in economic vulnerability today than ten years ago. The growing number of children living in poverty is particularly serious, as is the fact that many pensioners, especially women, are living in economic hardship. In conjunction with the summit of the UN Commission on the Status of Women NIKK publishes a knowledge base, focusing on this year’s theme. 

Every year, the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) brings together UN member states to set goals for global gender equality and develop measures to promote gender equality. In 2024, the summit takes place from 11 to 22 March, focusing on economic vulnerability and how to tackle it to empower women and girls. 

The Nordic countries have worked together for over 40 years to promote gender equality in all areas of society and have important knowledge to contribute on economic vulnerability. On behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers, NIKK has produced a knowledge base that highlights a range of relevant areas. 

Women are over-represented

Despite well-developed welfare systems in the Nordic countries, poverty is a growing problem. More Nordic citizens live in economic vulnerability today than ten years ago, and in several of the Nordic countries the gap between rich and poor has increased. 

“The growing number of children living in poverty is particularly serious, as is the fact that many pensioners, especially women, are living in economic hardship. In order to more effectively tackle poverty, it is therefore necessary to consider all stages of life, from childhood, through youth and adulthood and into retirement and old age” says Susanna Young Håkansson, analyst at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg, and the author of the knowledge base. 

Women are over-represented amongst those living in relative poverty and are generally at higher risk of poverty than men. With respect to finances, the knowledge base highlights a number of structural factors that favour men over women. There is also a need to look beyond age: how economic vulnerability affects the lives of different groups.  

Violence in relation to economic vulnerability

It is also important to highlight the role of violence in relation to economic vulnerability. While far from everyone living in economic vulnerability is exposed to violence, it is present and has led to poverty for many in the most economically vulnerable groups. 

“Welfare systems, authorities and employers must take shared responsibility for tackling the consequences of economic violence. Internationally, for example in the UK, there is experience of how this can be done, with social services and other relevant authorities given resources to create and develop support systems to support people who are victims of economic violence” says Susanna Young Håkansson.  

The Nordic knowledgebase Economic vulnerability in different stages of life emphasises the importance of taking into account the whole life cycle of people and shows the conditions of different groups. It also addresses economic violence in different forms, the consequences for victims, as well as the need for support structures. The knowledge base is summarised in a number of key messages.  

New Nordic co-operation projects in the LGBTI area granted funding

Following the 2023 call for proposals, the Nordic LGBTI Fund has awarded funding to three new co-operation projects. The projects will focus on the well-being of children and young people at school, economic equality for trans people, and LGBTI and ageing in the Nordic Region.

The following projects have been granted funding from the Nordic LGBTI Fund:

LGBTQI senior issues in the Nordic countries
The project is planning a conference for experts, professionals and representatives from the target group to create a Nordic network to share knowledge, experiences, collaborate and raise the LGBTI perspective in Nordic political processes. Read more about the project here.

Developing training program to support LGBTI+ wellness in school
School environments are undergoing a decline in which hate and violence against LGBTI+ students is increasing. Through this project, teachers and school staff in the Nordic region will have access to training and forums to share experiences and knowledge on how to increase the safety of LGBTI+ students. Read more about the project here.

Trans, labour market, wallet
The project aims to visualise the consequences of discrimination against trans people. A study will be carried out to produce equality data for trans people, with a focus on the labour market and personal finances. The results of the study will be presented in a report and disseminated at a final conference in 2024. Read more about the project here.

The Nordic LGBTI Fund is administered by NIKK on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Information on the 2024 call will be available later this year.

Nordic Conference on Sexual Harassment at Work

Photo: Carina Elmäng

On 30 October 2023, NIKK is organising a conference in Oslo based on the Nordic research initiative on sexual harassment at work. The projects present their results and together with industry, labour market representatives, decision-makers and researchers there will be discussions on preventive measures, current research and new findings in the Nordic region.

The Nordic conference Prevent and Intervene – Ending Sexual Harassment at Work, at Litteraturhuset in Oslo on 30 October, will follow up on the results of the five projects that have been granted funding in the Nordic research initiative on sexual harassment at work 2021-2023. 

‘The focus on preventive work and collaboration between different labour market actors is what makes this research initiative unique. It will therefore be very exciting, both to learn about the results of the projects and to listen to discussions and reflections on Nordic collaboration in the work against sexual harassment in working life’,  says Maja Lundqvist, coordinator of the conference. 

Violence, harassment and other forms of vulnerability in working life are major social challenges, with serious consequences for individuals and work organisations. At the same time, there are major knowledge gaps in terms of methods for preventing and preventing violence and harassment, protecting vulnerable people and acting proactively in work environments.  

This conference, held in English, will bring together policy makers, labour representatives and researchers to discuss challenges and solutions. In addition to reflections and conclusions from the five funded projects, Nordic dimensions of knowledge about sexual harassment will be discussed, as well as preconditions for developing and implementing new knowledge in the field. 

The research programme is an initiative of all the Nordic ministers for gender equality. It is a cross-sectoral Nordic collaboration between the sectors for gender equality, for culture and for working life and the Nordic Committee for Children and Young People. The initiative is administered by NIKK on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. 

Updated 9 June 2023