Decolonial Pedagogies: Practices of solidarity in the Nordic Region
The ‘Decolonial Pedagogies’ project brings scholars and educators in the Nordic region working towards decolonial pedagogies and feminist knowledge production together through a 2-day conference and a 1-day curated workshop in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference will invite scholars in the field, from Iceland, Sápmi, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Collectively, invited experts and scholars will bring years of academic and pedagogical expertise to the project.
Providing a space to exchange and develop decolonial pedagogical approaches, this project aims to build trust, solidarity, and inclusive learning communities in the Nordic region. The conference’s focus is to allow Nordic scholars to collaborate on decolonial feminist approaches across borders. The presentations will be workshopped and published in an edited, peer-reviewed, collection, which will disseminate insights from intra-Nordic collaboration on decolonial pedagogies.
- Status: Ongoing
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2023
- Category: Feminism
Project partners:
Edda Research Center, University of Iceland
Linnaeus University, Sweden
Ilisimatusarfik, Greenland
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden
200 000 DKK
Dr. Giti Chandra,
Dr. Sólveig Ásta Sigurðardóttir,