Power Plays – preventing sexual harassment through memory work & forum theater in workplaces of care
The Power Plays project seeked to break the silencing of sexual harassment in workplaces of care, by promoting workplace cultures prone to actively prevent and deal with sexual harassment.
First, the Power Plays project developed a typology of existing sexual harassment prevention tools accompanied by guidelines for how to choose the right prevention strategy. Second, based on memory workshop interventions in workplaces of care across Denmark, Sweden and Finland, the Power Plays project contributed nuanced narrative cases of work-based experiences of sexual harassment. Third, grounded in these narratives, the Power Plays project developed authentic ‘Sexual harassment plays’ included in a forum theater prevention tool that can facilitate a safe, bodily and dialogical way of promoting safe workplace cultures and anti-sexual harassment literacy.
The Power Plays toolbox was tested in a variety of workplaces of care and disseminated through an independent website as well as through major care workers’ associations across the Nordic region.
The Power Plays toolbox was completed in April 2023. Read more about and get access to the toolbox here: Power Plays – preventing sexual harassment in workplace of care — Jämställd Utveckling Skåne (jamstalldutveckling.se)
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Research Initiative Sexual Harassment
- Granted year: 2021
- Category: Sexual harassment
Cooperation partners:
Marta Padovan-Özdemir, Roskilde University, Denmark
Jo Krøjer, Roskilde University, Denmark
Birgitte Woge Nielsen, VIA University College, Denmark
Johanna Hiitola, Oulu University, Finland
Helena Louhela, Oulu University, Finland
Jämställd Utveckling Skåne, Sweden
Jämställd Utveckling Skåne, SwedenTwo physiotherapy clinics in Denmark
Two group housing facilities in Sweden
One youth services in Finland
799 218 DKK
Marta, Padovan-Özdemir, mgordon@ruc.dk