Developing training program to support LGBTI+ wellness in school
While Nordic countries are generally at the forefront of legislation and welfare to improve LGBTI+ rights, school environments are witnessing regression and a rise of hate speech and violence.
Vulnerable LGBTI+ children and young people, particularly where living in small rural communities where specialist care is generally unavailable, are disproportionately impacted by greater homogeneity and intersectional issues.
This Nordic collaboration will contribute to the greater success of LGBTI+ students by giving teachers and school staff access to education to combat student prejudice, exclusion, and marginalisation.
It provides an information forum to increase knowledge, attend courses, gain counselling, share news, and access material from a database of videos, electronic courses, podcasts, discussions on closed websites and advice. It enables connection with other school professionals in Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden, and the resulting online toolkit will be a lasting legacy.
- Status: Ongoing
- Funded by: Nordic LGBTI Fund
- Granted year: 2023
- Category: Children and youthLGBTI
Project partners:
Hinsegin lífsgæði | LGBTI Wellness, Iceland
Vestmanna MiV, Faroe islands
Tegelhagen skola, Sweden
317 000 DKK
David Samuelsson,
Safe Schools – A Nordic Method for Student Participation and Norm Criticism
Through the Safe schools project, the organisations Likestillingssenteret KUN (NO), Ekvalita (FI), and Elevernas Riksförbund (SE) have developed a joint Nordic method based on norm criticism to create an inclusive and equal school with a focus on increased student participation in the “Safe School” project.
This has been done through five different work packages involving visits and workshops with student councils, principals and student representatives at upper secondary schools in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Åland. Together with student councils and student representatives, the project has tested and further developed methods that can be used to strengthen student participation and the relevance and influence of student councils.
Trygga skolan has worked to increase safety at school and to promote a greater diversity of voices in student council work and the prevention of exclusion, bullying and harassment. The results of the project have now been compiled in a methodology book and on a website focusing on norm-critical work in schools.
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2021
- Category: Children and youthEducation
Likestillingssenteret KUN, Norway
Ekvalita, Finland
Elevernas Riksförbund, Sweden
Ålands feministparaply rf, Åland
Elev og lærlingeombud i Trøndelag, Norway
Finlandssvenska skolungdomsförbund, FinlandGrant: 498 170 DKK
Contact: Karin Hovde,
Young voices for gender equality in the Nordic countries
The project aimed to promote young people’s ownership of the gender equality issue as a driving force for a sustainable Nordic region. Nordic youth and student organisations were recruited to the project, where key actors for gender equality and innovation took part.
Through the Design Thinking method and norm critical perspective the young people were challenged to produce specific solutions related to the global sustainable development goals (Agenda 2030) – based on their perspective of equality, gender norms, democracy, segregated education and professional choices, digitalisation, climate change and diversity as value creators. The activities were connected through two networking sessions and a workshop in order to prepare the networking sessions.
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2020
- Category: Children and youthGender equality and welfare policy
Cooperation partners:
Centre for Gender and Equality at the University of Agder, Norway
KVINFO – Denmark’s Knowledge and Development Center for gender, gender equality and diversity, Denmark
Region Värmland – Department for Regional Growth, SwedenGrant: 470 242 DKK
Contact: Åsta Lovise Einstabland,
Research-based knowledge to combat sexual harassment and bullying among children and young people
The project aimed to increasing research-based sexual harassment knowledge within organisations working to combat bullying in the Nordic region and Lithuania, and within their target groups.
The main activities was networking meetings and sharing and disseminating research-based methods through a one-day conference for the partners’ target groups and a report highlighting the knowledge gained within the project, as well as methods and tools such as:
- Tools for mapping sexual harassment at school,
- Initiatives to change the school climate and unsafe places,
- Initiatives to combat sexual harassment and exploitation online,
- Knowledge about body image and pornography, and
- An action plan course to combat sexual harassment.
The project was designed to share knowledge between the main anti-bullying organisations in the Nordic region and neighbouring Lithuania, and to disseminate effective methods to prevent sexual harassment. All the parties involved contributed via their specific competences and perspectives, and involved experts.
The results are summarised in the report Sexual harassment and Bullying in the Nordic Region.
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2019
- Category: Children and youthSexual harassment
Cooperation partners:
Stiftelsen Friends(SE)
Mannerheim League(FI)
Child Line/Vaiku Linija(LT)
Heimili og skóli(IS)Grant:
296 640 DKK
YouthEQ 2017 – Nordic gender equality conference with a focus on youth
By means of a Nordic conference, this project wanted to stimulate sharing of knowledge and experiences in the Nordic region and ultimately the adoption of joint strategies for gender equality in youth activities. The Conference disseminated methods and experiences from the Nordic countries that are possible to integrate into local and regional youth policy and youth activities.
The goal for the conference was to become a forum for meetings and dialogue around gender equality and gender mainstreaming and that it facilitated continued inter-Nordic collaboration and sharing of experiences. The ambition was to create a Nordic alliance with recurring meetings for public, private and non-profit actors involved in the work to promote gender equality among young people.
The conference was held in Kalmar, Sweden, in autumn 2017.
- Status: Slutförd
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2016
- Category: Children and youthGender equality and welfare policy
Cooperation partners:
Kalmar Kommun (SE)
Kristiansand Kommune (NO)
Kolding Kommune (DK)
Mariehamns stad (AX)Grant:
330 000 DKK
Ann-Sofie Lagercrantz
Full rights for girls in the Nordic countries
The organisations behind this project are troubled by the increasingly harsh climate in society where alarming reports about the vulnerability of girls in the school environment and elsewhere in the public space are becoming progressively commonplace. Regardless of in which country sexual harassment occurs, it implies consequences for young women’s health, participation in the democratic process and overall room to manoeuvre in life.
This project has created a knowledge base and to strengthen the public opinion in the Nordic countries with respect to girls’ rights, gender equality, equal treatment and sustainable health. The aim is to strengthen the public opinion and to shed light on injustices from a Nordic perspective, make room for the situation of girls in the political agenda and demand responsible policy work. The project has also provided training for key persons involved in the implementation of these policies, as well as persons working within organisations that deal with young women’s issues.
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2016
- Category: Children and youth
Cooperation partners:
Kvinnogården (Naisstenkartano) (FI)
Blatt Afram (IS)
Retretten (NO)Grant:
160 000 DKK
Nordic practices for schools and preschools
The issue of gender equality in schools and preschools has received a lot of attention in recent years, especially in the Nordic countries. One reason for this is that the national gender equality and discrimination laws have been expanded to cover also the school systems.
The legislative changes make it necessary to develop the equality and diversity work performed in the school environment, which in turn requires carefully planned staff training for educational professionals and other school personnel.
This project aimed to provide such training by developing a tool for e-learning. The training was provided via an online platform utilising a participatory approach, and was based on the results of a previous project titled Nordic Gender Equality Certification in Education, which identified and explored successful gender equality practices in the education sector.
- Status: Slutförd
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2015
- Category: Children and youth
Cooperation partners:
Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Oulu (FI)
Cecilie Norgaard (DK)
Fróðskaparsetur Føroya (FO)
Jafnréttisstofa (IS)
Reform – Ressurssenter for menn (NO)
Mälardalens högskola (SE)Grant:
350 000 DKK
Mervi Heikkinen
Nordic gender equality certification in education
In April 2014, the Nordic Council issued a recommendation to introduce gender equality certification of Nordic schools and preschools. In connection with this, a project titled Mapping Promising Nordic Practices in Gender Equality Promotion at Basic Education and Kindergartens set out to stimulate discussion and cooperation regarding the implications of the recommendation for schools and preschools. The aim of the project was to create a forum for sharing of best practice.
The project resulted in a report proposing concrete certification criteria and presenting examples of successful work, which also facilitated further development of existing efforts.
The Nordic sharing of experiences yielded great value and the project continued after the publishing of the report in 2015 with the development of a tool for e-learning.
- Status: Slutförd
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2014
- Category: Children and youth
Cooperation partners:
Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of Oulu (FI)
Mälardalens högskola (SE)
Reform – resource centre for men (NO)
Cecilie Nørgaard, uddannelses- og kønssociologGrant:
360 000 DKK
Mervi Heikkinen
Gender equality work with youth
The project was launched to address the need for a gender equality focus in work with children and adolescents. At a seminar at the Nordic Forum in Malmö 2014, organisations from the Nordic and Baltic regions talked about how girls’ and boys’ group meetings can prevent violence and promote democracy and gender equality.
The organisations behind the project are having great success with the so-called girl and boy group method in the Nordic countries, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region. The seminar gathered the different actors to exchange experiences and discuss how to jointly spread, develop and ensure a high quality of the method.
The method is based on a democratic and non-hierarchical dialogue between a small group of adolescents and their leader. The underlying idea is always the same: to strengthen the adolescents’ integrity, self-esteem and ability to cooperate and at the same time give them tools to question norms and handle conflicts. The network has continued to collaborate around the methods since the project ended.
- Status: Slutförd
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2013
- Category: Children and youth
Cooperation partners:
Åland Islands Peace Institute (AX)
Missing Persons’ Families Support Center (LT)
Resource Center for Women (LV)
Girls’ House och Boys’ House (FI)Grant:
100 000 DKK
Justina Donielaite