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Iceland Joins the Nordic Gender Calendar

Iceland has joined in on the three inter-Nordic web portals GenderKalenderN, GenderJob and GenderFund.

Hugrún Hjaltadóttir
 Hugrún Hjaltadóttir. Photo: private

‘We have benefitted a great deal from the Nordic co-operation. At this point we’re hoping to be able to contribute more and show what we do to a larger audience. Another aim is to bring more attention to the Nordic co-operation here in Iceland,’ says Hugrún R. Hjaltadóttir, adviser at the Icelandic Centre for Gender Equality. 

The three web portals are operated jointly by national knowledge centres for gender issues in the Nordic countries, including the Danish Centre for Gender, Equality and Diversity (Kvinfo), the Information Centre for Gender Research in Norway (Kilden), the Centre for Gender Equality information in Finland (Minna), the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research (NIKK) and from now on the Icelandic Centre for Gender Equality (Jafnréttisstofa).  

‘We are thrilled to have Iceland on board. It is important that the portals cover all initiatives, events and opportunities across the entire Nordic region,’ says Josefine Alvunger, communications officer at NIKK in Sweden.

GenderKalenderN lists Nordic and international conferences, meetings, seminars, PhD courses and more. The idea is for all units to contribute with information from their particular country in a central database. All information can also be shared via Facebook and Twitter.

The two other portals, GenderJob and GenderFund, work in the exact same way but focus on gender-related jobs and funding opportunities. GenderJob lists job vacancies related to gender and gender equality in the Nordic region and elsewhere. GenderFund should be of interest to anybody looking for research grants, project funding, stipends etc. And GenderkalenderN keeps track of everything from feminist culture festivals to research policy conferences at the EU level. The portals are inter-Nordic and share a focus on gender and gender equality.

Updated 14 February 2024