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More Than 120 Organisations in Nordic Gender Equality Collaborations

For three straight years, the Nordic Council of Ministers has funded Nordic gender equality projects through a special Nordic gender equality fund. To date, more than 120 organisations have embarked on unique collaborations. A database containing information on all projects is now being launched.

Nordic gender equality certification in education. Joint campaign against sexist advertising. Recommendations for how to help female victims of online violence. These are some of the Nordic cooperation projects that have received support via the Nordic Gender Equality Fund, which was started by the Nordic gender equality ministers and is administered by Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK). Now NIKK has published a database with information on all projects granted funding to date.

Maria Grönroos. Foto: Ragnhild Fjellro
 Maria Grönroos. Foto: Ragnhild Fjellro

‘The cooperation leads to new knowledge and helps disseminate it across national boundaries. Our new database will improve the potential for cooperation further, since it enables Nordic actors to look up possible cooperation partners and contact actors that have already been involved in projects on a certain theme. It’s a way of increasing the visibility and contact opportunities across the Nordic region so that organisations don’t need to start from scratch every time they want to do something,’ says Maria Grönroos, director of NIKK at Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg.

The search function enables users to choose whether they want to view projects of a certain type or on a certain topic. The available topics include education, gender-related violence, masculinities and media. The results that come up show the organisations involved in the projects as well as their respective contact persons.

‘So don’t feel alone with your challenges. You can be pretty sure that there are others in the Nordic countries that are struggling with the exact same problems and that maybe have already made some progress. We hope that the database for the Nordic Gender Equality Fund will enable people and organisations to find each other and learn from each other’s experiences,’ says Maria Grönroos.

About the fund

  • DKK 2.7 million distributed annually.
  • About 40 projects have been granted funding to date.
  • More than 120 organisations have been involved in the projects.
  • The organisations and actors involved in the projects include public authorities, researchers, businesses, NGOs and trade unions.
  • The projects have focused on for example the development and dissemination of knowledge, methods and practices, as well as on joint problems and challenges.
  • The projects have resulted in networks, conferences, meetings, web portals, reports, studies and instructional material.
  • The topics addressed by the projects include education, gender-related violence, men/masculinities, news media, film and the hospitality industry.

Access the database here.

NIKK’s new film about the fund in a nutshell 

Still from the movie
 Still from the movie

In connection with NIKK’s launching of the new database, we have produced a short informative film about how the Nordic gender equality cooperation works and what the Nordic Gender Equality Fund is.

View the film here.


If you have questions about the fund, or about the projects that have received funding in the past, please contact Maria Grönroos, director of NIKK at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, University of Gothenburg,, tel.: +46(0)766 22 92 41

Updated 10 February 2021