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New Nordic co-operation projects strengthen the LGBTI area

Photo: Martin Zachrisson/

During autumn 2021, the Nordic LGBTI Fund was open for applications for funding for the very first time. Two projects strengthening the LGBTI area in the Nordic region has now been granted funding.

The Nordic LGBTI Fund’s first call for proposals has resulted in two new, Nordic co-operation projects in the LGBTI area. One project is going to gather and develop networks for queers in Sápmi. The other one will arrange a conference, bringing together Nordic organisations that work to improve rights and living conditions for the LGBT+ population. Read more about the projects and their work on the projects’ respective pages.

Projects granted funding from the Nordic  LGBTI Fund 2021

The Nordic LGBTI Fund is administrated by NIKK on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Information about the call for proposals for 2022 is available here.

Updated 23 May 2022