Nordic Gender Equality Fund celebrates ten years with new publication!

In this publication NIKK present the experiences, insights and effects of the first ten years of the Nordic Gender Equality Fund.
When the Nordic Council of Ministers established the Nordic Gender Equality Fund in June 2013, the aim was to stimulate Nordic cooperation in the area of gender equality. Since then, the Fund has granted funding to NGOs, public authorities, researchers and networks within the context of 79 different projects, all which aim to increase gender equality in the Nordic countries.
This publication gives an insight into ten of these projects, one for each year in the history of the Fund, and the concrete results they have generated. In brief reports and interviews, project participants share their experiences, knowledge and insights from their efforts to promote gender equality. They reflect on the benefits of Nordic cooperation and how we can meet the challenges identified in the Nordic cooperation programme for gender equality. They also give us examples of how the perspectives of children and young people can be integrated into work to promote gender equality, and contribute to the achievement of global sustainability goals.
Thanks to the cooperation projects financed through the Gender Equality Fund, knowledge in the area has grown and spread across Nordic borders. By sharing these projects they will be able to benefit more people and inspire new and exciting Nordic cooperation projects in the future.
”Gender equality is one of the common fundamental values of the Nordic nations. It is hugely important that we provide funds to non-profit organizations and academia working towards greater gender equality and also to the academic community. I have no doubt that the projects and research supported by this fund will help our governments in policy making and further progress gender equality in our societies.”
– Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland.
Ten years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund in all languages
Ten years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund (online version)
English version in PDF for print
Kymmenen vuotta yhteistyötä pohjoismaisen tasa-arvorahaston kautta (online version)
Finnish version in PDF for print
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Icelandic version in PDF for print
Tio år av samarbete genom Nordisk jämställdhetsfond (online version)
Swedish version in PDF for print