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Nordic Gender Equality Projects Granted Funding

The Nordic Council of Ministers has made its decision about the Nordic Funding Scheme. Funding has been given to 13 activities.

NIKK spade symbol

These activities will share a total of 2.7 million Danish Krone from the Nordic Council of Minister’s funding scheme of 2014. These activities are chosen because they aim to further Nordic gender equality.

Via the funding scheme, the Nordic Council of Ministers want to promote Nordic cooperation for gender equality. NIKK has been administering the funding scheme since 2013. This year’s activities will start up during the autumn of 2014 and will be completed some time during 2015.

The activities involve all of the Nordic countries, the Nordic self-governing regions and the Baltic states. The projects are:

  • Mapping Promising Nordic Practices in Gender Equality Promotion at Basic Education and Kindergartens
  • Gendered Violence- Nordic-Baltic Dialogue
  • Network for Comparative Studies of the Nordic Model
  • Building and Developing the Gender Equal Nordic Region
  • NKMV conference 2014
  • EAMI FEMI – The Society of Nordic Indigenous Women
  • Establishing a Nordic Mentoring Network
  • Nordic Women’s Economic Citizenship
  • Nordic Conference on Sexism and Sexual Harassment in the Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Trades
  • MenEngage Network Nordic
  • Law: The Court and Practising Gender Equality
  • NORA conference: Voices in Nordic Gender Research
  • Exit prostitution work in the Nordic-Baltic region

More information on the various activities will come; NIKK will follow and report on the projects starting the autumn of 2014.

Updated 30 August 2020