Towards Pay Equity: Regulation, Reporting and Practice in the Nordic Region
Today, women in the Nordics are among the most active labour market participants in the world, but the goal of equal conditions and pay equity in the labour market is far from being achieved. One of the clearest indicators of this are pay differentials between women and men. The Nordic Council of Ministers has therefore commissioned the publication of Pathways to Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value: Regulation, Reporting and Practice in the Nordic Region.
The report is written by the lawyer Eberhard Stüber. He has worked as, among other things, an analyst at the Equal Opportunities Ombudsman (JämO), and as a senior investigator at the Swedish Gender Equality Agency, both in Sweden.
The publication describes legislation and policy initiatives in the Nordic countries, including a discussion about the implementation of the EU Pay Transparency Directive with focus on the issue of pay equity. The report also provides a brief overview of Nordic labour market models and highlights differences for possibilities to advance work towards equal pay for equal work and work of equal value. Special attention is paid to the interaction between legislation, collective wage agreements and requirements for reporting wage statistics related to the ISCO standard.
This publication is the first in a series of reports from the project on pay equity in the Nordics. The second report in the series examines how available public statistics can be used to measure wage differences between women and men in equivalent work at national level in the Nordic countries, with in-depth study of Finland, Norway, and Denmark. The third report discusses various explanatory approaches regarding the undervaluation of women’s work in a gender-segregated labor market, based on a survey of the labor market partners and other key actors in the Nordic countries. The second and third reports will be published in the winter of 2024/2025.
- Category: Economic equalityLabour and labour market
- Text:
- Published: 2024
- Material Type: PDF
Trans People’s Working Life Conditions in the Nordic Region
Trans people are a particularly vulnerable group and face various obstacles throughout their lives, not least in working life, where they experience worse conditions as a group than the majority population. Today, there is limited knowledge of the working life conditions for trans people and the underlying factors that affect their employment. The national studies that have been published have different areas of focus, but collectively they can provide a clearer picture of working life conditions for trans people in the Nordic countries.
This publication summarises the field of knowledge in the Nordic countries. By consolidating existing research, the publication helps to identify and, in some cases, fill knowledge gaps and thereby be of use to the Nordic countries. The knowledge review aims is to make trans people’s working life conditions visible to enable dialogue and identify needs and measures for improvement.
- Category: Labour and labour marketLGBTI
- Text:
- Published: 2024
- Material Type: PDF
Preventing Sexual Harassment at Work
Sexual harassment and prevention in the Nordic workplace have been studied in a two-year Nordic research initiative. Several projects have developed new methods and tools in collaboration with labour market stakeholders, managers and employees. The results are now available in a new report.
The Nordic research funding initiative on sexual harassment at work 2021–2023 sought to initiate relevant research, cross-sectoral collaboration and shared knowledge building.
The research funding initiative was carried out in collaboration between the Nordic sectors for gender equality, culture and working life and the Nordic Committee for Children and Young People.
The objective of the initiative was mainly to contribute towards new knowledge on sexual harassment at work in the Nordic countries with a focus on preventive measures and intervention methods. The findings were to contribute towards a good knowledge base for policy development and to cross-sectoral Nordic collaboration within the Nordic Council of Ministers.

- Category: Labour and labour marketSexual harassment
- Text: NIKK
- Published: 2024
- Material Type: PDF
Re-imagining Sexual Harassment – Perspectives from the Nordic Region
In the book Re-imagining Sexual Harassment – Perspectives from the Nordic Region, 19 writers contribute to a more nuanced and deeper understanding of issues such as violence in the workplace, sexual harassment in academia and the challenges and opportunities of the legal system. Academic text is alternated with literary contributions.
Editors: Maja Lundqvist, Angelica Simonsson och Kajsa Widegren.
The book is available in bookstores and via the publisher Policy Press, an imprint of Bristol University Press, and OpenAcess.

(Open Access at Bristol University Press digital)
- Category: Labour and labour marketSexual harassment
- Text:
- Published: 2023
- Material Type: PDF
Gender perspective on green jobs in the Nordic region: A collection of results from NIKK 2020–2022
The Nordic Council of Ministers has adopted the vision that the Nordic region will be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030. This knowledge review sheds light on a number of reports that use gender analyses to help understand the challenges of the green transition. It presents five thematic approaches to green jobs and concludes with a summary and key messages from these reports.
The purpose of this report is to identify links between issues related to gender-segregated educational choices and gender segregation in the labour market related to the transition to green jobs. The hope is that it will help to deepen the Nordic region’s perspectives on these issues and, by extension, contribute to sustainable solutions for social development in the Nordic countries.

- Category: Labour and labour market
- Text: Jimmy Sand
- Published: 2023
- Material Type: PDF
Towards a sustainable future world of work in the Nordic countries – The gender perspective on the opportunities and challenges
Nordic labour markets and the world of work are facing a variety of challenges, including challenges emanating from technological change, demographic shifts and regional differences. How knowledge, learning and education, and the logics of governance are viewed have all changed. This knowledge base describes these changes and focuses on three challenges for a sustainable world of work:
- Lifelong learning: being schooled in readiness to change
- The significance of place: teleworking and work on site
- Forms of employment and working conditions: the gig economy and entrepreneurship as examples
By identifying the challenges from a gender perspective, one can problematize assumptions about technology-driven social development that have a bearing on the world of work and the supply of skills. They are also seen in relation to policy goals for sustainable economic, social and environmental development. What needs to be done to enable sustainable development based on human rights, gender equality and no one being left behind? In this knowledge base, opportunities and challenges are discussed.

- Category: Labour and labour market
- Text: Susanna Young Håkansson, Ulrika Jansson, Jimmy Sand, Angelica Simonsson
- Published: 2022
- Material Type: PDF
Vocational education and training in the Nordic countries – Knowledge and interventions to combat gender segregation
In the Nordic countries, both education and the labour market are strongly gendersegregated. This segregation is both vertical and horizontal, meaning that women are found in different courses and study programmes and sectors of the labour market than men, and also find themselves in different positions in the hierarchies of education systems and working life. This gender segregation has consequences for study and working conditions, pay, and the distribution of power and resources.
Combating gender bias is one of the strategic areas of intervention in official Nordic cooperation in the area of gender equality. The Danish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2020 therefore initiated a project that shed light on gendered educational choices in the Nordic countries. The Nordic Council of Ministers cooperation body Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK), located at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, was commissioned to conduct a study focusing on gender segregation in VET in the Nordic countries.
The study provides an introduction to what we know about VET and gender as an area of knowledge, describes how VET in the Nordic countries is organised, and gives examples of how these countries have worked to break patterns of gender segregation and to retain pupils who belong to the under-represented sex. The study also includes a concluding analysis section which discusses the results of the survey conducted against the background of current knowledge in the field.
- Category: Gender equality and welfare policyLabour and labour market
- Text: Angelica Simonsson
- Published: 2022
- Material Type: PDF

Co-operation for gender equality in working life
This summary presents results from co-operation projects financed by the Fund that have contributed to gender equality in the workplace. The purpose of this summary is to share knowledge and experience from these projects in order to increase their impact so that they will benefit more people, and to inspire others to participate in Nordic co-operation projects.
The summary has been prepared by Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK), which is a co-operation body under the Nordic Council of Ministers. NIKK has the task of managing the Nordic Gender Equality Fund.
- Category: Gender equality and welfare policyLabour and labour market
- Text: Susanna Young Håkansson & Elin Engström
- Published: 2020
- Material Type: PDF
Sexually harassed at work – A brief overview of the research in the Nordic countries
Sexual harassment is a major social problem in working life in the Nordic countries, which the #MeToo calls for action in autumn 2017 demonstrated in particular. This publication is a shorter version of the report Sexually harassed at work – An overview of the research in the Nordic countries. The report is based on a systematic review of the research literature from the Nordic countries in the period 2014–2019.
The purpose of this publication is to briefly present the current knowledge about sexual harassment in the workplace in the Nordic countries, while also making apparent key knowledge gaps where more research is needed. The publication is produced by NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender.
- Category: Labour and labour marketSexual harassment
- Text: Ida Måwe
- Published: 2020
- Material Type: PDF
Summary: Equal Pay in the Nordic countries – the law and policy strategies.
This is a summary of the report Equal Pay in the Nordic countries – the law and policy strategies.
The report sheds light on the Nordic countries’ policy strategies and legislation in the area of equal pay and is based on interviews with researchers in the field, experts and professionals.