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Demographic challenges in the Nordic countries from a gender perspective

The population structure in the Nordic region is changing. An ageing population, migration and urbanisation are leading to challenges for both the labour market and the welfare state in general. The gender-segregated labour market, the traditional gender inequality in responsibility for care, as well as the different migration patterns of men and women constitute challenges that are important to highlight from the gender perspective.

The aim of the project was to contribute new and deeper perspectives from the Nordic region on current issues in this area. This was done by compiling knowledge at an overarching level on demographic trends in the Nordic countries, the challenges associated with these trends, and highlighting in particular the application and importance of the gender perspective to these issues.

A report was published in the project that has a particular focus on regional development and policy issues related to demography and urbanisation. Questions within the theme concern mobility, commuting, supply strategies and regional development strategies for example. The report shows, among other things, that in the policy document for regional policy in the Nordic countries both problems and solutions are largely genderless, or gender-blind. This means that the policies fail to acknowledge that women and men have different experiences and circumstances, and that the problem descriptions and proposed solutions could have different effects on men and women.

Results from the project have been communicated in cooperation with the Nordic institution Nordregio at a joint webinar.