Violence, harassment and other forms of vulnerability are major societal challenges with serious consequences for both individuals and organisations. Increased knowledge about sexual harassment is therefore an important part of the Nordic collaboration and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision of becoming the world’s most sustainable and integrated region.
Nordic collaboration for increased knowledge about sexual harassment »
In many countries and regions of the world, the rights and opportunities of homosexual, bisexual, transgender and intersex people are under pressure.The work to improve the living conditions of LGBTI people is an important part of Nordic co-operation and of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision of becoming the world’s most sustainable and integrated region.
Combating gender segregation in the Nordic countries’ labour markets and the education systems linked to them is one of the strategic areas of intervention in official Nordic co-operation in the area of gender equality. More knowledge about working life and education from a gender perspective is therefore an important part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ work.
Nordic co-operation for gender equality in working life and education »