Violence, harassment and other forms of vulnerability are major societal challenges with serious consequences for both individuals and organisations. Increased knowledge about sexual harassment is therefore an important part of the Nordic collaboration and the Nordic Council of Ministers’ vision of becoming the world’s most sustainable and integrated region.
NIKK – Nordic Information on Gender is a Nordic cooperation body under the Nordic Council of Ministers. We produce, compile and disseminate research, politics, knowledge and practice from a Nordic and cross-sectoral perspective. We share our knowledge through our communication channels and at national as well as Nordic meetings and events.
Among other things, we have published a Nordic research overview of sexual harassment in working life and compiled initiatives and measures that the Nordic countries have taken after Metoo. We are now working on a Nordic anthology on sexual harassment, which will be published in 2023.
Read and download publications from NIKK about sexual harassment
Nordic collaboration on sexual harassment also takes place through projects funded by the Nordic Gender Equality Fund and by a Nordic research initiative on sexual harassment at work, both of which are administered by NIKK.
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NIKK is placed at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research at the University of Gothenburg. The secretariat has many years of experience working with the field of sexual harassment, with national and international assignments.
Sharing knowledge makes a difference