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A comparative mapping of gender equality in Norwegian, Swedish and Danish business

The project aims to produce and make available statistics on the distribution between men and women in leading positions in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish listed companies, and to map and evaluate laws and other measures taken to increase the representation of women in management groups and boards in these countries.

The method is a comparative survey of representation on the boards and management teams of Swedish, Norwegian and Danish listed companies. The project will also compare legislation and other measures to increase gender equality in the countries concerned, and, via surveys, examine employees’ and managers’ perceptions of career opportunities from a gender equality perspective. This knowledge, together with previous research, will be used to identify possible shortcomings and success factors in the measures taken by the different countries and to develop recommendations.

The project also aims to produce new and increased knowledge that can form the basis for developing policies and other initiatives in the Nordic region.

Updated 9 August 2024