Nordic Information on Gender (NIKK) is a Nordic co-operation body under the Nordic Council of Ministers. We collect, disseminate and analyse knowledge about policy and practice, data and research in the field of gender equality and LGBTI with a Nordic and cross-sectoral perspective.
A better working life for trans people
In October 2024, a Nordic conference was held on the conditions of trans people in working life.
The conference was based on the knowledge review ‘Trans people’s working life conditions in the Nordic region’, published by NIKK in spring 2024. The knowledge review compiles results from Nordic studies, and the overall picture shows that trans people* face particular obstacles in their working lives.
Three new projects for LGBTI rights in the Nordic region
During the autumn 2024, the fourth call for proposals for the Nordic LGBTI Fund was launched. Of the 14 project applications received, three of them were granted funding.
The projects will work to develop a Nordic digital curriculum for higher education in human services (HR), create greater security in everyday life for LGBTI people and create a network for research on the living conditions of LGBTI people.
A milestone in Nordic work towards gender equality and equal rights for LGBTI people
For 50 years, the Nordic countries have worked together to make the Nordic Region one of the most gender equal in the world. As this anniversary year draws to a close, their promise to stand up for gender equality and the rights of LGBTI people is renewed.
In 2024, Sweden held the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The year has been characterised by both retrospection and serious efforts for the future.
Essays on Nordic welfare resilience in crises
How can the Nordic countries develop welfare and welfare services based on important needs both today and in the future?
This is the subject of four texts, which have been accepted for publication as essays, written by researchers. The essays are based on research on care workers and invisible labour, care of older adults in the Nordic countries and care choice reforms, private health insurance, parental leave and childcare, and crisis and risk communication.
Nordic Gender Equality Fund seeks new projects to fund
NIKK is now looking for more projects that can contribute to the Nordic benefit!
NIKK distributes funds to promote Nordic co-operation and gender equality on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. Dialogue and co-operation are cornerstones of Nordic co-operation. The Nordic Gender Equality Fund provides an opportunity to do just that.