Research shows that trans people face multiple barriers in life. Transgender people experience more unwanted loneliness and are particularly vulnerable to violence and harassment. Research also shows that a higher proportion of young trans people have been long-term unemployed and are dissatisfied with their situation at school and in the labour market, compared to cis people.
At the same time, recent years have seen setbacks in the living conditions of LGBTI people both in the Nordic region and globally, and trans people have been particularly hard hit. The aim of this project is to make visible the living conditions of trans people in the Nordic countries, with a focus on working life, to enable dialogue, identify needs and actions for improvement.
To provide a clearer picture of the working conditions of transgender people in the Nordic region, NIKK, Nordic Information on Gender, has been commissioned by the Nordic Council of Ministers to compile and make available existing knowledge from the region in a publication. The knowledge base also includes documentation from discussions held with national stakeholders to identify needs and propose measures to improve the working conditions of transgender people in the Nordic countries.
In 2025, NIKK will continue to work to disseminate the results of the knowledge base and continue to highlight the vulnerable living conditions of trans people in the Nordic region, through a Nordic analysis of the lgbti data released by the FRA in 2024 and an event during IDAHOT in the Nordic House in Copenhagen.