Gender equality and the law
The purpose of this project was to address issues related to gender equality policy in the Nordic region, such as men’s violence against women, discrimination in the labour market and the workplace, distribution of resources and welfare, and to review the ability and role of courts in the promotion of gender equality.
This was accomplished through a two-day conference in late spring 2015. The conference targeted Nordic researchers and doctoral students with an interest in law and gender in legal research, education and cooperation. The conference facilitated sharing of experiences and development and knowledge at the Nordic level.
- Status: Completed
- Funded by: Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Granted year: 2014
- Category: Law and laws
Cooperation partners:
Juridiskt forum vid Umeå universitet (SE)
Universitetet i Tromsö (NO)
Faculty of Law, Turku University (FI)
Det Juridiske Fakultet, Köpenhamns universitet (DK)Grant:
100 000 DKK
Monica Burman