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Nordic-German trade union project on equal pay for equal work

The project with start in 2023 aims to give an overview on the existing gender pay inequalities and on the current strategies to reach pay equity in the five Nordic countries and Germany. By gathering actors at the Nordic level and with an international perspective from Germany the project aims to gather relevant knowledge and competence and create a solid overview with a focus on what different actors involved in the labour market can do to achieve equal pay for equal work 

The project is planned as an interview study and case study with examples and will result in a report. Based on identified good practice examples from the participating countries, the report will also include recommendations on possible measures on how to support the work in achieving equal pay for equal work.  

The report will be launched in 2024 at a conference and spread to relevant Nordic, German and European target groups. The project seeks to inspire and presenting possible ways by showing how other countries are working on achieving equal pay for equal work. 

Updated 23 August 2024