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Nordic Council of Ministers

The Nordic Council of Ministers is the official cooperation body of the governments of the Nordic countries. Cooperation between the governments of the Nordic countries in the area of gender equality and equality for LGBTI people is led by the Nordic Ministers for Gender Equality and LGBTI (MR-JÄM).

Nordic Council of Ministers

The ministers meet at least once a year for talks and to make joint decisions in areas where co-operation can yield greater effects than isolated efforts by individual countries – this is known as Nordic synergy.

The Presidency of the Council of Ministers rotates yearly among the member countries.  The country holding the Presidency has a special responsibility to set priorities for the work and coordinate projects and events within the framework of the co-operation.

The Committee of Senior Officials for Gender Equality (EK-JÄM), which consists of representatives from all Nordic countries and autonomous regions, meets at least three times a year. The Committee coordinates the practical work and prepares the meetings of MR-JÄM.