Sweden will hold the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2024. The presidency rotates annually between the Nordic countries and issues in focus during the year include honour-related violence and oppression and the working conditions of trans people.
The Swedish presidency will continue to highlight and promote a Nordic voice against the growing resistance to gender equality and LGBTI people. The presidency’s priorities, projects and activities constitute one of the frameworks for NIKK’s activities during the year.
The project, which is an initiative of the Swedish Presidency, aims to provide an overview of how the Nordic countries, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland, work with honour-related violence and oppression in various aspects. The study will provide an overview of the work in the region by highlighting how the concept of honour-related violence and oppression is defined, what problems/challenges are identified and how the work to address them is organised – by describing the main actors, tasks and initiatives.
This includes preventative work, targeting different professional groups and other groups, such as family members. Other issues to be highlighted are change work with perpetrators, and how to assist vulnerable people through support and protection. The study will also include a review of national legislation on honour-related violence and oppression.
Honour-related violence in the Nordic region »
Studies show that trans people face particular challenges in working life and are more likely to be affected by unemployment, insecure working conditions and discrimination. This spring, NIKK will publish a compilation of existing research and knowledge in the Nordic region and several events will be organised on the theme during the year. The Swedish presidency invites you to a Nordic conference on the working conditions of trans people in October.
Working conditions of trans people in the Nordic countries »
Initiated by the Icelandic presidency in 2023, the overall aim of the project is to promote dialogue and exchange of experience and knowledge on how to tackle the pay gap between the Nordic countries and the social partners. The project will release three reports during the year and conclude at the end of 2024-25.
Pay Equity in the Nordic region »