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Norway 2017

The Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers rotates between the five Nordic countries and is held for a period of one year.

In 2017 Norway held the presidency. Norway’s presidency built on the co-operative programme Tillsammans för jämställdhet – ett starkare Norden 2015-2018 (Together for Equality – A Stronger Nordic Region 2015–2018).

Norway’s four main priorities within gender equality during the 2017 presidency:

Work to combat violence

The prevention of domestic violence and protecting the victims of violence are among the themes of Norway’s presidency. Norway hosted a Nordic conference on this topic in November. One of the projects presented there was The implementation of the Istanbul Convention in the Nordic countries.

Work to combat hate speech

Hate speech is an attack on individuals and groups. It has major consequences for its victims and for society. Knowledge and methods to combat hate speech are the topics of an international conference that was held in June.

Gender equality in the labour market

Participation in the labour market and the opportunity to provide for oneself is a necessity for gender equality. Gender equality in the labour market is a particular focus during Norway’s presidency.

Norway will hold a major Nordic conference on gender equality in the labour market:

The Future of Employment  – Nordic  Conference on Gender Equality in the Labour Market, which took place in Oslo on 7 and 8 February 2017. Read more about the conference below.

Men and gender equality

The participation and involvement of men and boys in work on gender equality is crucial.

The Ministers of Equality in the Nordic countries prioritise three areas: men and health, men and education, and masculinity and the role of men.