Three new projects for LGBTI rights in the Nordic region

During the autumn 2024, the fourth call for proposals for the Nordic LGBTI Fund was launched. Of the 14 project applications received, three of them were granted funding.
The Nordic Network for LGBTI research on Health and Living Conditions
LGBTI research in the Nordic countries is strong and multi-faceted but has to a large degree been conducted within different research disciplines. The aim of the project is to consolidate the Nordic LGBTI research on health and living conditions in a wider sense across the Nordic region, to share research results, and facilitate conferences, workshops and network meetings to further support this field of study across disciplines.
The Nordic Network for LGBTI research on Health and Living Conditions
Safer Queer Cities – Capacity building, sensitivity training and digital self-defense tool
LGBT+ individuals in the Nordic region face significiant online harassment, hate and violence, often targeted with derogatory comments, threats and cyberbullying, leading to severe psychological distress. Anti-gay ideologies exacerbate these issues by promoting harmful stereotypes and misinformation, undermining the LGBT+ movement. The programme aim to enhance the safety and resilience of LGBT+ individuals by equipping municipalities and organisations in Reykjavik with up-to-date knowledge and tools to combat online and offline threats and harassment.
A Nordic digital curriculum for LGBTQIA+ competencies in higher education programs for human service professions
The project focuses on higher education for human services professionals by developing a multilingual Nordic digital curriculum to enhance LGBTQIA+ competencies within social work and healthcare. Research has highlighted the limited and inadequate coverage of these topics in existing social and healthcare education programs.
- Text: NIKK
- Categories: LGBTI
- Published: 2025-01-10