Researchers and practitioners in collaboration awarded funding in Nordic research initiative

How can we increase the knowledge about the role of bystanders in different risk situations? Which tools are needed to to break the silencing of sexual harassment in workplaces of care, and to promote a workplace culture prone to actively prevent sexual harassment? How can researchers and working life actors contribute to prevention strategies for the tourism and hospitality sectors? These are issues that are highlighted in the research projects that have been granted funds in the research initiative by the Nordic Council of Ministers, with focus on sexual harassment in working life.
Working life in the Nordic countries has many similarities in terms of overall structures and regulations, but also in terms of usual practice and procedures. Yet we know little about the importance of these structures for understanding or preventing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a complex area that touches on many different areas of knowledge and fields of research. Research into violence, into sexual harassment, and into other forms of harassment in the workplace are some of the cornerstones that can provide a better picture of the problem, make it more likely that prevention will work, and assist in developing effective intervention methods.
In light of this, the Nordic Council of Ministers decided to support a Nordic research initiative, with two Open Calls, in co-operation between several sectors within the Nordic collaboration. Sectors involved include gender equality, culture, working life and the Nordic Committee for Children and Young People.
Granted research projects in Open Call 2
Open Call 2 was aimed at researchers and practitioners who intend to initiate practice-based research activities in collaboration. This call focuses mainly on preventative measures and methods for intervention through industry studies and comparative studies of different industries. The proposals are to be developed in partnership between several Nordic countries.
Applications that met the criteria was assessed by external academic reviewers. Decisions were made after consulting the cross-sectoral reference group appointed by the Nordic Council of Ministers in connection with this initiative. The following research projects have been granted funds in Open Call 2:
NIKK is administering the research initiative and will also disseminate information about and knowledge from the projects that are awarded grants in the two Open Calls.
Read more about the research initiative and the two Open Calls here.
- Text: Jessica Glanzelius
- Photo: Göteborgs universitet/Carina Elmäng
- Categories: Gender equality and welfare policy, Nordic Research Initiative
- Published: 2022-03-18