Nordic Gender Equality Fund seeks new projects in 2024!
The purpose of the Nordic Gender Equality Fund is to stimulate Nordic co-operation in the area of gender equality. Since its establishment in 2013, the fund has financed over 90 projects, and we are now looking for more projects that can contribute to the Nordic benefit.
To be eligible for funding from the Nordic Gender Equality Fund, the planned activity must start in 2024 and be implemented within two years. The money can be used, for example, to develop common methods, produce new knowledge or organise conferences and develop networks.
The application form is available on during the application period.
Dialogue and co-operation is one of the cornerstones of Nordic co-operation. The Nordic Gender Equality Fund provides an opportunity to do that. The fund finances projects involving at least three different organisations from at least three Nordic countries. The Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland can constitute one country, and it is also possible to include a Baltic country in an application with at least two Nordic countries. It is fine to include more than three countries.
This year’s call for proposals from the Nordic Gender Equality Fund includes a dedicated effort for projects that focus on gender equality in climate action in the Arctic.
The Nordic Committee for Co-operation and the Arctic Expert Committee are co-financing activities under the Nordic Leadership for Gender Equality in Climate Action programme with DKK 250,000. Read more about it here.
In the fall of 2024, we will also launch a call for the Nordic LGBTI Fund. More information will be available in the spring. If you are looking for inspiration for projects, please read about previously funded projects on our website and our anniversary publication 10! – Results from 10 years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund.
- Text: NIKK
- Categories: Gender equality and welfare policy, Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Published: 2024-01-17
Eight projects receive funding from the Nordic Gender Equality Fund 2023
Eight projects have now been granted funding from the Nordic Gender Equality Fund 2023. Sexual exploitation online, gender equality in Sapmí and gender equality in the Nordic energy sector are some of the important projects that can use the fund to work towards a more gender equal Nordic Region.
Read more about the projects here:
- Nordic-German trade union project on equal pay for equal work
- What are the Nordic countries doing to combat documented sexual exploitation online?
- Workplace sexual harassment in the hospitality sector from an intersectional perspective
- Gender Talks in Sápmi
- Women in Nordic ITS (WIN-ITS)
- Gender diversity in the Nordic energy sector 2024
- Equality, Social Sustainability, and Paid Parental Leave in the Nordic Countries
- Decolonial Pedagogies: Practices of solidarity in the Nordic Region
In March-April 2024, NIKK will open the opportunity to apply for funding for Nordic co-operation in thGender diversity in the Nordic energy sector 2024e field of gender equality. As in previous years, at least three different actors from at least three Nordic countries must participate in the application. A total of approximately DKK 3 million will be distributed. More information on deadlines will be available in January 2024.
- Text: NIKK
- Categories: Gender equality and welfare policy, Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Published: 2023-12-13
Nordic Gender Equality Fund celebrates ten years with new publication!
In this publication NIKK present the experiences, insights and effects of the first ten years of the Nordic Gender Equality Fund.
When the Nordic Council of Ministers established the Nordic Gender Equality Fund in June 2013, the aim was to stimulate Nordic cooperation in the area of gender equality. Since then, the Fund has granted funding to NGOs, public authorities, researchers and networks within the context of 79 different projects, all which aim to increase gender equality in the Nordic countries.
This publication gives an insight into ten of these projects, one for each year in the history of the Fund, and the concrete results they have generated. In brief reports and interviews, project participants share their experiences, knowledge and insights from their efforts to promote gender equality. They reflect on the benefits of Nordic cooperation and how we can meet the challenges identified in the Nordic cooperation programme for gender equality. They also give us examples of how the perspectives of children and young people can be integrated into work to promote gender equality, and contribute to the achievement of global sustainability goals.
Thanks to the cooperation projects financed through the Gender Equality Fund, knowledge in the area has grown and spread across Nordic borders. By sharing these projects they will be able to benefit more people and inspire new and exciting Nordic cooperation projects in the future.
”Gender equality is one of the common fundamental values of the Nordic nations. It is hugely important that we provide funds to non-profit organizations and academia working towards greater gender equality and also to the academic community. I have no doubt that the projects and research supported by this fund will help our governments in policy making and further progress gender equality in our societies.”
– Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland.
Ten years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund in all languages
Ten years of cooperation through the Nordic Gender Equality Fund (online version)
English version in PDF for print
Kymmenen vuotta yhteistyötä pohjoismaisen tasa-arvorahaston kautta (online version)
Finnish version in PDF for print
Tíu ára samstarf gegnum Norrænan jafnréttissjóð (online version)
Icelandic version in PDF for print
Tio år av samarbete genom Nordisk jämställdhetsfond (online version)
Swedish version in PDF for print
- Text: NIKK
- Categories: Gender equality and welfare policy, Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Published: 2023-03-27
Read about the Nordic Gender Equality Fund in four languages
1st of March, the Nordic Gender Equality Fund opens for applications for funding. We have gathered information about the new fund in a message available in English, Finnish, Icelandic and Swedish.
The Nordic Gender Equality Fund finances collaborations that promote gender equality. Through the Fund, the Nordic Council of Ministers issues an annual call for proposals for funding projects in which at least three organisations, from at least three Nordic countries, collaborate. NIKK is tasked to administrate the fund. It opens for applications for funding March 1 2022.
All information about the fund is now gathered in a message available in English, Finnish, Icelandic och Swedish.
- Text: NIKK
- Photo: Unsplash
- Categories: Gender equality and welfare policy, Nordic Gender Equality Fund
- Published: 2022-02-09