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Targeted call: FAQ

Frequently asked questions on the targeted call for proposals combating gender segregation in the labour market.

What should the projects do?

The call targets co-operation projects intending to develop and implement relevant solutions to problems related to the gender-segregated labour market.

The cooperation projects should consist of minimum three organisations, from three different Nordic countries, working together for change during a four-year period., which will enable the actors receiving funding to work for long-term change.

The call also promotes cooperation between different types of organisations and ask for minimum two different organisation types to be included in the projects in order to cooperate for change.

The project applications must contain a clear analysis of the identified problems, set goals based on this analysis, and give reasons for choosing processes, actions and activities that are relevant to the process of change to be implemented in order to achieve the goals.

How much funding can you apply for?

The targeted call for proposals will fund 2-4 projects with a 4-year period and between 1-2 MDKK in granted funding.

In addition to the applied sum, the projects will have to provide minimum 20% of the total project budget in own contribution.

What organisations can apply?

The cooperation projects should consist of minimum three organisations, from three different Nordic countries, of which minimum two different types of organisations must be included.

The following organisations can apply:

  • Volunteer organisations (citizen organisations/not-for-profit organisations)
  • Networks
  • Government agencies and other public sector activities
  • Municipalities and regions
  • Universities and research institutes
  • Other non-commercial actors
  • Business enterprises (SMEs).

The choice of partners should be made in relation to the problem that the project will focus on. The number of partners must be balanced and partners should complement each other.

SMEs are listed among the organisations that can apply. Can also larger enterprises apply?

Larger enterprises are welcome to take part in the cooperation as associated partners. However, they will not receive funding from the fund for their work in the project. 

Can the project include partners from outside the Nordic Region?

The fund finances activities that mainly take place in the Nordic region. In addition, grants can be awarded to activities that include cooperation in neighbouring areas, i.e. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and north-west Russia, that also include at least two Nordic countries.

The project can involve partners from outside this region, and part of the work can be carried out there as well. Nevertheless, it has to be motivated in relation to added Nordic benefit and added value.

What do you mean by “Nordic benefit”?

 The guideline refers to what the extent to which the project:

  • generates significant positive effects through Nordic cooperation, compared to the project having been implemented at the national level;
    • manifests and develops Nordic cohesion, both within and outside the region;
    • contributes new infrastructure that strengthens Nordic cooperation on gender equality
    • responds in a constructive way to the challenges of Nordic cooperation such as national barriers and differences.

In the assessment process, the application will be assessed on how well it:

  • justifies why the project should be implemented as Nordic cooperation;
    • describes the added value and the challenges that the cooperating parties perceive in working together across country borders.

What do you expect in terms of change processes?

The four-year time frame for the projects provides a foundation for working long term.

The projects are asked to provide a solid problem description and to assess what will be the expected main difficulties in providing a solution to this problem. The outcome of the projects should include lessons learnt in relation to not only success factors, but also what are the remaining obstacles and what we can learn from this.

The projects will be evaluated in terms of expected results in relation to time and funding.